For Members

Forms, and compliance, seem to rule our working lives. Let’s change this. Let’s start delivering “Reliance” services rather than “Compliance” services.

There is no doubt you, an Accountant, are the most trusted advisor your clients have.

You are ideally placed to help your clients improve their businesses. The challenge though is that you are probably too busy completing “Compliance” tasks; forms and reports for Government agencies and other less-valued tasks that consume your day. Business-Owners don’t see the value in those services (even though it means they comply with the laws).

They want to know how to put more “gas in the tank” and more “cash in the bank”.

Your People needs, Marketing needs, Delivery of Services needs and Advisory Services needs are all met with your membership to the Alliance. If you choose to participate in the anonymous industry survey you will also be able to compare yourself to your peers, providing you with a benchmark against which you can plan for your growth.

And we think the results from the Business-Owners’ survey will prove that your clients are hungry for value-added services.

The Steinhardt Alliance has been created to assist you with delivering these to them. Imagine being paid a premium for “Reliance” services, making a real difference in the lives of your clients, implementing systems and empowering your team. Your Accounting Business would fly. You would essentially have a business that works … so that you don’t have to. And how would that then change your life?

Robert Steinhardt, October 2018